CAALL — Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Legislation

Labour Standards

Terms of Reference

This Committee includes the Directors and other officers of branches which administer minimum wages, hours of work, vacations with pay, equal pay, fair wages, industrial standards and other legislation relating to conditions of work. * The Committee might be asked to:

  • discuss and asssess the effectiveness of existing procedures and practices followed in the administration and enforcement of labour standards legislation and draw attention to problem areas;
  • consider in particular such matters as the various approaches to routine and complaint inspections, uniformity of administrative procedures, standardization of payroll and other record forms, jurisdictional problems;
  • examine the legislation and administrative techniques of other countries and the Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organization in the labour standards field with a view to improving present standards of administration and enforcement in Canada;
  • consider appropriate methods of training for labour standards officers;
  • maintain liaison with the Research and Policy Committee for the purpose of providing that Committee with information on administrative procedures for use in connection with its continuing study of criteria for determining appropriate minimum wages and other labour standards;
  • hold periodic meetings and submit a report to the Annual Conference of the CAALL.

As approved by the Executive on December 12, 1968; Reviewed and confirmed by the Executive on November 27, 1979. Last reviewed by Chair, July 5, 2005.

* Administrators of Human Rights legislation could be included if thought advisable and arrangements made to have them meet as a separate group in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Committee.